Monday, August 29, 2011

Hitting it hard!

Get your mind out of the gutter. I have been working out like nobodies business. Haters beware, because I will be one S3XAY beast lol. The pic to the left is something I will NEVER go back to. With the newly constructed facility on my jobs campus, this working out thing has been easy to fit in my schedule.

Whew, tired is the word. I have been sore all week, but a good sore. A "worked out and now I am feeling the pain" sore. I ran 2.4 miles during lunch on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Wednesday, I played 2 hours of basketball and all of us set up a recurring Wednesday game at 430pm. For me this is perfect as my wife works 1230-9pm on Wednesdays, meaning I have free time after work lol.

Top all that off with the fact I continued to ride my bike as well! I rode Tuesday and Thursday after work. I even threw in a Saturday ride, just for Poops and Giggles!

Overall, I last week I jogged 7.2 miles, MTB'd 30+ miles and played right at 2 hours of basketball.

This week, I am trying to log at least 7 miles of running, 2 hours of basketball and probably 40 miles of trails. I am going to Santos MTB p ark with the Sorba Jax folks!

Stay thirsty my friends! lol.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Working out...the necessary evil

I am totally fat. Seriously, FAT. Do not get it twisted, I used to be a LOT fatter though, like 'high triglycerides was on a 60 year old fat man’s maintenance med' fatter. I am 6 feet tall and weigh roughly 235lbs, but i used to weigh about 300 lbs. What happened? I had a fear of being “that guy” who, to put it how my good friend said it "eats like a 1500 pound, bed ridden, morbidly obese man that needs to get removed from his house by cutting a hole in the wall and bringing in a forklift." Well played sir, well played. 
So brings us to the title of the post, working out, ah the joys of exerting physical energy for a little gain in athleticism, stamina and health. It is not an easy task, nor do you reap immediate benefits to reward the effort put forth into doing it, but the long term gains are substantial and should be your main reason for doing it. Recently I have started hitting a regular workout pretty to read more!